Entassé is my collection that i made to complete my Final Task to get My S1 Degree on Fashion Design.
So the concept behind this collection is to recycle the thrift stuff or second-handed Garments into a wearable fashion product, with surface textile design.
So, long story short, i pass all kind of test and exploration to find the right technique for my collection. And i'm down to this surface textile technique, and i used a lot of surface textile design technique to complete this collection. I spend days, even months not sleeping because i'm working on this final project. The technique that i used is Surface Textile which is creating or adding new surface and new texture on to fabric. There is a lot of process, imageboarding, presentation and all kind of stuff to make me decide okay i will use denim and flanell also a cotton t-shirt for this collection.
This collection have a hardcore streetstyle influence. So the collection contains loud pieces and a lot of pattern and abstract stroke
The main inspiration is this picture of New York Time Square. which is have a very loud color, and city lights. I want to capture the crowded and loud New York Time Square into this pieces. It's not the New York culture and people but i want to capture the situation.
Courtesy from Google. Search : New York Time Square.
At the image above you can see theres a lot happening, and so crowded. that is why i named this collection ENTASSÉ because it means crowded.
Going Through all the mentoring from the lecturer i do the sketches and finally i can start the production. And come the hard part because this pieces need to be treated so it is super clean and ready for people to wear. so i treated it with desinfectant to get rid of the dirt and possible bacteria since it second-handed.
And finally after i do all that, (drying process etc) i start to do the techniques one by one. Start with shredding the jeans one by oneand apply the technique.
After that i can go to the sewer to make it complete, putting it together and make the product finish.
It is not done there. I mist do a presentation. and a presentation is not complete without a photoshoot.
So i did a photoshoot. And because my muse is Irene Kim, the model from South Korea, i choose the model that have a same unique face, whichbis this beautiful dancer named Angelenzy. I adore her for sich a long time because her ability on dancing aspecially waacking. and i love how unique her face is.
Surprisingly, the clothes fit her like a gloves and the photoshoot goes super fast. Thank you To Marta and dina for helping me.
And the photoshoot turned out into this beautiful images.
Avenue Top with MTV Skirt
Orion Shirt with Avenue Pants
MTV Top with Avenue Pants
Saint Mary Set
I named all the pieces like Avenue, MTV, Saint Mary because that is the building that is around New York Times Square.
I do all the make up and photoshoot by myself to press some budget, yes it is exhausting but i am so happy with the result, i DIY my white set, and thanks to my Guesthouse security they help to put it together. ugh such an amazing experience.
A lot of people asked if i can do it again. For now i can't because it take months if i do it myself. Right now i'm thinking I don't know how i can go through all of that by myself butby the grace of GOD he make me strong enough to go through it all. But if i have enough crew to make it and someone really want the piece, i will make it for them. But for now all those pieces is an archive. And i'm not selling it.
Such a great memory if i look back. And i just realize that i have never post about my final task on my blog. I'm top busy preparing my graduation and moving out from Bandung To Manado. And now i am moving in To Jakarta to pursue my career as a fashion stylist, fashion consultant and a MUA. i want to take as many experience as i can, so if i move back again to my hometown i am ready to teach everyone and make my own fashion brand.
Wish Me Luck.
See you sooner or later in the future. With better and greater situation Love